Housings for filtering and ventilation devices

Urządzenie filtrowentylacyjneHousings for filtering and ventilation devices must be characterized by the highest quality of workmanship. Due to their use, they should fulfill their role one hundred percent so that the collected pollutants do not penetrate to the outside. Only in this way will the consumer feel full satisfaction from their use. Our company has been producing housings for filtering and ventilation devices and additional equipment for years. Our offer also includes suction cups, filter covers and laminate pipes.


What distinguishes our housings for filtering and ventilation devices?

Due to the fact that this type of machines are usually used to absorb extremely fine dusts from the air, and often even fumes, our company produces housings for filtering and ventilation devices to the highest possible standard from polyester-glass laminate. This makes the dust collectors in which our products are used extremely tight. The laminate used during production also guarantees high resistance of housings for filtering and ventilation devices to damages, thanks to which they can work even in difficult conditions.


Housings tailored to the individual parameters of the filter ventilation device

Our laminate products are produced in any shapes, sizes and colours. This applies not only to products for the industry providing filtration solutions, but, for example, to engine housings. ToThis is due to the laminate, which is an exceptionally flexible material, thanks to which the housing can be adapted at the design stage to the individual parameters of the filter-ventilation machine or engine. Thanks to our laminate housings, your entire product line can be consistent and stand out with its characteristic form.

Contact us to discuss details of your order.

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